Doing Our Part To Spread Happiness

At Snapower, we firmly believe that every child deserves basic necessities and equal opportunities in life. We are dedicated to ensuring that every child has access to light for studying and improving their education and the lives of those around them.

For every sale, we will be donating 1$ to support children living in energy poverty. Just one solar light can make a positive impact on the lives of five children and their families living in energy poverty.

Help Us Light Up The Future

We are passionate about helping donate solar lights to children living in energy poverty and creating a brighter future. One solar light can positively impact the lives of five children and their families living in energy poverty.

Our goal

This year we have the goal to gift 700 Solar lights to illuminate the futures in Madagascar.

Help us gift 700 lights to children in Madagascar and impact 3,000 lives, create 1,614,000 study hours and offset 93.00 CO2e tonnes of carbon emissions.